About Us


was founded in 1996 and has specialized over the years in the area of Domain Driven Marketing.

Daten die in jedem Unternehmen vorhanden sind, nutzen wir für effektive Marketing- und Promotionaktivitäten und betreiben das epublish.network.

Our History

  • 2021 - Aufbau von Domain Driven Marketing Networks, ihrem globalen Vertriebsnetzwerk und der Sicherung Ihrer Trademark.
  • 2006 - in 6 Jahren wurden nicht nur wirtschaftsblatt.at / die Mobile Edition und die Beste APP 2012 umgesetzt, laufend weiterentwickelt und betreut. Der Verkauf des digitalen Portfolios standen ebenfalls im zentralen Focus.
  • 2003 - Mediaplanung zahlreicher Kunden der Mediacom und MediaX inkl. Online Kampagnenabwicklung. Entwicklung des europäischen Werbeformats XPlacement™ mit mehr als 650 Millionen Auslieferungen pro Tag.
  • 1999 - Aufbau und Betrieb des österreichischen Werbenetzwerks der AdLINK. Buchung inkl. Kampagnenmanagement und Auslieferung auf mehr als 40 namhaften Webseiten in Österreich.

Our Advantages

Domain Driven Marketing Networks

Global sales networks guarantee the long-term and sustainable brand positioning of your brand in the digital medium and generate more than just the return on investment. By using innovative promotional products such as

we enable every company to advertise websites and social media channels in your .network over the long term. In addition, make sure you secure your brand and product name before your competitors do and rent your domains more expensive.

Meet Our Solutions



provides the 365-day promotion in the digiprom.network and operates with the DigiProm® Solutions 72 additional domains.



enables simple and cost-effective SEM activities with long-term marketing and combine your data on waveoffitness.com.



offers the editorial summary of your website and provides more searches entries on well known searchengines.



provides an efficient cost-effective way, additionally to the usual digital marketing activities of the companies.

Why People Choose Us

do nothing - get nothing

our principles are simple - easy - fair - get additional relevant traffic for your website or your solution partners.

Ihre DigiProm® Cards

combines your social media profiles and point to them and to your website.

Domain Driven Marketing

with the data of your business card and the links to your social media channels you are ready to take off.

Our Skills

Save your trademark or product name

It isn´t easy to find the right domains by more than 1,215 new Top Level Domains. We help and advise you to find the right one for your company. Fell free to contact us right now.

Our Partners

waveoffitness.com enables simple and cost-effective SEM activities with long-term marketing and combine your data. Robert Pischinger
austriaonline.at provides an efficient cost-effective way, additionally to the usual digital marketing activities of the companies. Christian Eder

We offer a variety of domains

Each domain represent an idea, a product, service or other kinds of interresting content.
But what is the best idea worth, if nobody find it.

Start now



Hits Rating Votes Domains
1367 398 triafreunde.com
1318 349 davert.de
1370 401 supercup-krems.at
1288 319 pulsar.at
1196 227 sculpterra.com
1241 272 wachaumarathon.com
1252 283 ultimaker.com
1242 273 3d4medical.com
1248 279 tourdetirol.com
1307 338 divergentmicrofactories.com


Hits Rating Votes Domains
994 25 airsquirrels.com
1111 142 streetspotr.com
1335 366 matterandform.net
1300 331 vienna.domains
1271 302 apptec.at
1339 370 awexr.com
1032 63 teamviewer.com
1295 326 digiprom.hosting
1045 76 actionpaper.net
1045 76 actionpaper.net


Hits Rating Votes Domains
1318 349 davert.de
1083 114 nadisvitality.com
1125 156 chirotractor.com
982 13 metro.at
1289 320 dianacooper.com
1269 300 hobby-cup.at
1242 273 3d4medical.com
1125 156 chirotractor.com
1252 283 ultimaker.com
1386 417 eisencheck.at


Hits Rating Votes Domains
1320 351 kissatea.com
1022 53 maxfunsports.com
1444 475 bosch-vivalytic.com
1241 272 wachaumarathon.com
1254 285 emotiv.eu
1252 283 ultimaker.com
1320 351 kissatea.com
1232 263 gourmetfleisch.de
1063 94 waveoffitness.com
1296 327 online-divers.com

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